Fund Our Future Heroes!
Help us meet our goal
We’re raising money to make a difference and further our cause. To meet new challenges, we’ve set up this campaign with a goal of $10,000.
With your help, Women on the Move Network can reach this goal and continue the work we’ve set out to do in this campaign.
Please help if you can. Every donation makes a difference.
Who's Your Hero?
As a result of continuous participation in the WHO'S YOUR HERO? Program, girls will internalize the core values of respect, integrity, nobility of spirit and a belief in the equality of women and men, and will reflect those values and beliefs in their behavior, attitudes, use of language and personal choices through the teen years and on into young adulthood.
They will take their place as strong, confident young women who will be contributing members of a peaceful society.
We have created an ever evolving program that focuses on building confidence and self esteem, a S.T.E.A.M focused program.
Women's Empowerment Workshops
The newest addition to the growing roster of programs and activities of WOMEN ON THE MOVE NETWORK is a monthly Women's Empowerment Workshop series. These topic-centered sessions engage interested women in self-discovery and in discussion and solution-seeking on issues and concerns that many women encounter in life.
The small group session are lead by an experienced facilitator and are open without charge to women who are looking for a safe, productive way to access information and resources that may be of particular use to them.
The sessions are held on the 2ND FRIDAY of every month, once per monthly
Community Outreach and Support
In this current climate where complacency, inaction, and silence are detrimental to our collective wellbeing, the Board of Directors of the Women on the Move Network organization reaffirms its commitment to diversity and inclusivity, and pledges to strive for justice based on truth in our programs and in our actions.
We also recognize that we can and will do more, and take steps towards meaningful, forward-looking, and action-oriented strategies that will address racial unity and racial justice in all our activities and curriculum.
We work alongside our Community to accomplish our mission.
GoFundMe Campaign for Who's Your Hero?

Registered 501(c)(3). EIN:20-4795532

Women On The Move Network
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P. O. Box 2725 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
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