Schools and Districts we currently work with:

Provide girls ages 9 to 14 with an on-going series of age-appropriate experiences designed to give them tools, strategies and understandings which will help the girls make good decisions, build confidence, choose healthy activities and relationships, explore new ideas, make friends and have fun in a safe and welcoming environment.
As a result of continuous participation in the WHO'S YOUR HERO? Program, girls will internalize the core values of respect, integrity, nobility of spirit and a belief in the equality of women and men, and will reflect those values and beliefs in their behavior, attitudes, use of language and personal choices through the teen years and on into young adulthood. They will take their place as strong, confident young women who will be contributing members of a peaceful society.
WHO'S YOUR HERO? girls will:
- Respect themselves and others
- Be helpful and considerate
- Act with integrity
- Make every effort to resolve conflicts peacefully
- Believe in the unlimited potential of women in society
- Value education
- Plan for college or other education beyond high school
- Explore/engage in service to others
- Aim for post-secondary education
- Engage in service projects
Participants will:
- Be respectful and helpful at home
- Do their best work at school
- Use appropriate language
- Avoid fights and gossip
- Take care of their bodies through healthy practices, nutrition, exercise, cleanliness and by avoiding harmful practices, e. g. smoking, drinking, drugs
- Be friendly and accepting to all cultures and types of people
- Be kind and helpful to others
- Stand up for what is right.
- Encourage other girls to join the program
Our session topics include:
- Everyday heroes
- Developing self-confidence
- Importance of education
- Conflict resolution
- Cultural and gender diversity
- Healthy relationships
- Nutrition and health
- Community service
- Effect of popular culture and media on youth
Program sessions meet weekly after school with discussions of topical presentations, music, art projects, media, and games. Healthy snacks and attendance awards are provided.
Who's Your Hero? (Ages 12-14)
The WHO'S YOUR HERO? program for girls aged 12 to 14 and older is meant to provide a continuation from the previous.
Through a series of planned experiences, the girls will gain the understanding, strategies, and tools to make good decisions, choose healthy activities and relationships, explore new ideas, strengthen positive friendships and have fun in a safe and welcoming environment.
Expected outcomes -- girls will:
- Respect themselves and others
- Be helpful and considerate
- Seek healthy friendships, both male and female
- Act with integrity
- Make every effort to resolve conflicts peacefully
- Believe in the unlimited potential of women in society
- Value education
- Plan for college or other education beyond high school
- Explore/engage in service to others
Girls who have not previously been participants in WHO'S YOUR HERO? 9-11 may also join.